Sunday, April 18, 2010

Final Post

Alas, this is my final blog post for the module. The past 13 weeks of learning how to communicate professionally has been a long but fruitful journey!

One of the most important skill set I had learnt is how to manage working relationships professionally. During the research for the final proposal, my team and I had the opportunity to communicate with individuals from other organizations. Sometimes, I am at a loss how I could reply my addressees' email correspondences. But thank God for Ms Lim, I've learnt how to handle such situations with tact and I am confident should similar instances arises in near future, I would have the ability to handle them.

On the same note, there are instances when I felt I should reply an email in a particular way. However, after consulting with Ms. Lim, she made me see things in another dimension and I'm grateful for that. For example, there was once I sent an email to my professor to request for her permission to mass email her students to help us complete our survey. Somehow, the email was forwarded to the department dean and then the manager of the department replied my request. After all are settled, I decided to move on; but Ms Lim advised me to send a thank you email to the department dean as well. I reasoned with her that I do not have to since I do not have direct correspondence with him. However, Ms. Lim let me understand that it is polite to do so. Further, this gesture could also leave a good impression on my professionalism.

Another skill set which I had picked up from this course is the writing of application letter and resume. Previously, my resume only comprises of a chronological list of the schools I had attended to and the clubs I had joined. This course made me probe further into writing resumes and better market myself as a potential candidate for the workforce.

All in all, I enjoyed the module. However, I enjoyed even more the fun classmates I had. Thank you everyone for the fun interaction we had for the past semester! Good luck for your exams Alex, Andy, Benedict, Bryan, Clarence, Guo Ren, Jay, Jia Lin, Madhu, Wei Xi, Aish, Andrew, Gerard, Jigna, Mufeedha, Si Jie and Wei Li. You guys made my Monday and Thursday fun =)

Catch up soon!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Reflection on Oral Presentation

Finally, the ES2007S proposal presentation is over!


This presentation is one of the most time consuming project I had ever done. I spent the eve of presentation day touching up the slides to make sure the entire presentation transits smoothly. I finished doing up the slides at 3am and continued to rehearse for about 5 to 6 times before retiring to bed. Just before I fall into slumberland, I forced my brain to loop what I am going to present the next day and this continues until I totally lost consciousness.

In the morning of the presentation day, I woke up early and continued rehearsing for another 3 to 4 times. During the course of going through the presentation, I constantly put myself in the shoes of my audience to see if my arguments make sense. I recognized some of the points are not very strong and tried to either rephrase them or to replace them with other stronger evidences.

However, even after many rounds of editing, there are still some points which remained relatively fallible. I am at a dilemma because I can't remove them as they are vital transitional points to the subsequent key points.

For example, during the presentation, I showed a slide with the mean starting pay of graduates and I discussed the slide this way: "Our team has brainstormed several reasons for this disparity (in pay) and one possible reason would be the differences in curriculum." I went on to discuss the differences between the curriculum of the Business School and Faculty of Science.

If somebody had commented about the nature of the industry a graduate from Applied Science enters as a confounding factor besides curriculum, then, we would not be able to show explicitly that Professional Communication is largely responsible for the differences in pay.

I admit this is a big risk. However, given I had already memorized the sequence of my presentation and the lack of time (and I phrased my sentence in that manner), I went ahead with my prior presentation arrangement.


I had previously wanted to include an array of delivery strategies such as engaging the audience by asking them a question: "Does anyone knows how many percentage of Science students said they are very confident of their communication skills." before showing them the shocking 4% result.

However, I later decided against it because it would be a rhetorical question since they would have already seen the presentation layout. Hence, I decided to stick to statistics to substantiate my claims.

I also considered what my audience wanted to hear and I figured they wanted to hear about the need for this additional module and the benefits they can get from implementing this module. Hence, I phrased my arguments in a persuasive manner to answer these questions.


My presentation style previously is to put up all my points on the slides and then present by reading off from the slide. As a result, my slides are normally cluttered. (*If you remember my peer teaching slides*)

For this presentation, my team and I spent alot of effort designing our slides and this implies I can't throw all my points on the slides like before. I had to memorize all the information and this makes me feel very nervous as I had to take care of many things in my mind. These are the things going through my mind while I was presenting:

1. Think of what I am going to speak next
2. Be careful not to miss out on key transition words
3. Remember what animation follows the current one
4. Smile
5. Remain enthusiastic
6. Stop my hands from shivering
7. Smile
8. Eye contact
9. Smile

As a result, I ended up speaking a little too fast. I felt that given more practice, things would have improved drastically.

This presentation has been a different delivery experience for me and I hope it has been an enjoyable one for you too! Thank you for reading my entry and I'll be back with the final entry next week!